Oracle PL/SQL FLOOR function example

摘要: The FLOOR() function round the specified number down, and return the largest number that is less than or equal to the specified number.

The FLOOR() function round the specified number down, and return the largest number that is less than or equal to the specified number.

FLOOR function examples

SELECT FLOOR(1.2) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : 1
SELECT FLOOR(1.5) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : 1
SELECT FLOOR(1.7) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : 1
SELECT FLOOR(1.99) FROM DUAL;		-- output : 1
SELECT FLOOR(-1.2) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : -2
SELECT FLOOR(-1.5) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : -2
SELECT FLOOR(-1.7) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : -2
SELECT FLOOR(-1.99) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : -2
SELECT FLOOR(20.9) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : 20
SELECT FLOOR(-5.1) FROM DUAL; 		-- output : -6
SELECT FLOOR(-100.01) FROM DUAL;	-- output : -101
SELECT FLOOR(1000.99) FROM DUAL;	-- output : 1000


  1. FLOOR Function :- Oracle official docs

上一篇: Oracle PL/SQL CEIL function example
下一篇: Oracle PL/SQL ACOS function example
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