• org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils例子

    用apache.commons.io 中的一些方法来操作文件,会减轻程序员的很多负担,文件操作经常会用到FileUtils这个类,今天在这里对最常用的一些方法做一个总结,当然最全面的东西,还是应该看apache.commons.io 的文档或者示例。


  • Apache 反向代理 IIS 那点折腾事

    最近买了阿里云, 因为在上面更灵活做自己的东西,比如自己的SVN服务器等. 另外顺便将自己用python,django  开发的网站和自己的博客移植上去. 因为原来的博客是开源的 ASP 博客, 而我又懒得转, 所以就用了阿里云windows 系统, 其实作为服务器来说, linux 更好, 但 apache 下支持 asp 的模块确实不好, 其实作为个人工作来说, windows 来说可以了。既然要同时支持 asp, python, java 等环境, 所以采用了 apache 作为反向代理服务器代理 IIS,同时 用 mod_wsgi 来支持 python,django应用.


  • You don't have permission to access / on this serv

    在阿里云上用 django 1.6.2, apache 2.4.7, mod_wsgi 部署了一个djiango 的测试应用,至于部署的过程以及原理可以参考我以前写过的一篇博客,可以参考这里: Apache,wsgi,django 程序部署配置基本步骤一致,不过这次采用的 django 版本, apache 版本以及mod_wsgi  版本均不相同,正因为这些不相同,才产生了这篇博客, 主要解决两个问题 :1. apache 错误提示: Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server.2. 在解决上面的错误之后,另外一个错误:当DEBUG=False 时,出现 Bad Request (400) 错误.


  • Apache,wsgi,django 程序部署配置

    前段时间,我写过一篇文章,ngixn,uwsgi,django,python 环境配置,有兴趣的朋友可以参考 nginx,django部署后来有人在QQ上问我,用Apache 好部署吗?我当时只在windows下用 APACHE2.3,django1.4,wsgi 部署过,还没有在 linux 下部署。前几天有时间,我在 centos 上测试部署了一下。也不难。唯一的差别是,在windows 下有已经编译好的 wsgi.so 文件,放到  apache 的 modules下,然后在 httpd.conf 中增加LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so 。


  • apache2,Django,Python,wsgi,环境配置

    前几天测试了在apache2 与django 1.3 集成。总结如下。首先需要在apache2的配置文件中增加 LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi-win32-ap22py27-3.3.so当然 mod_wsgi-win32-ap22py27-3.3.so 有可能需要下载,然后拷贝到apache2 的module目录中。


  • Apache POI – Reading and Writing Excel file in Java

    Apache POI – Reading and Writing Excel file in Java

    In this article, we will discuss about how to read and write an excel file using Apache POI


  • Mac OSX where is default localhost folder?

    Mac OSX  where is default localhost folder?

    On Mac OSX, the default localhost folder is located at /Library/WebServer/Documents


  • Java GZIP Example compress and decompress a file using Java

    Java GZIP Example  compress and decompress a file using Java

    In this tutorial we demonstrate how to use GZIP to compress and decompress a file. Gzip is a file format and a software application used for file compression and decompression. GZIP is used to reduce the bytes of a file/text/stream. You’re able to compress a single file in GZIP format but you cannot compress and archive a directory like ZIP files using GZIP.


  • Java 7z Seven Zip Example compress and decompress a file

    Java 7z Seven Zip Example  compress and decompress a file

    In this tutorial we demonstrate how to compress files to 7z format recursively and decompress 7z files. 7-Zip also known as 7z is a compressed archive file format that supports several different data compression, encryption and pre-processing algorithms.


  • Java TAR example compress and decompress *.tar or *.tar.gz files

    Java TAR example  compress and decompress *.tar or *.tar.gz files

    This tutorial demonstrate how to compress files or directories recursively in .tar or .tar.gz format and how to decompress a .tar or .tar.gz file.


  • Compress and Decompress Java JAR File with Apache Compress

    Compress and Decompress Java JAR File with Apache Compress

    In this tutorial we demonstrate how to compress and decompress Java JAR files using Apache Compress. In general, JAR archives are ZIP files, so the JAR package supports all options provided by the ZIP package.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 HTTP GET Request Method Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 to make a Http GET request. The Http GET method represents a representation of the specified resource. This could be as simple as getting an HTML page, or Getting resources formatted in JSON, XML or etc. Requests using HTTP GET Request methods should be Idempotent, meaning: these should only retrieve data and should have no other effects.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 HTTP POST Request Method Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 to make a Http POST request. The HTTP POST request method requests that the server accepts the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the web resource identified by the URI. The posted data can be, but is not limited to, an annotation for existing resources or data formatted JSON, XML or submitted FORM data. The server can use the posted data to update resources in the database, or process this data.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 HTTP PUT Request Method Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 to make a Http PUT request. The HTTP PUT Request Method requests that the server accepts and stores the entity enclosed in the supplied URI. If the URI refers to an already existing resource, it is modified; if the URI does not point to an existing resource, then the server can create the resource with that URI.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 HTTP DELETE Request Method Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 to make a Http DELETE request. The HTTP DELETE Request Method requests deletes the resource specified by the URI.


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