Gradle How to continue build if test is failed

摘要: By default, the Gradle build process will be stopped and failed if any unit test is failed.

By default, the Gradle build process will be stopped and failed if any unit test is failed.

$ gradle build
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
com.mkyong.example.TestExample > test_example FAILED
    java.lang.Exception at
3 tests completed, 1 failed
:test FAILED
BUILD FAILED  // <-------------- see status

In this article, we will show you a few ways to continue the build process even if the test process is failing.

1. Ignore Failed Test

Try ignoreFailures settings.

test {
	ignoreFailures = true

Now, the build will continue even the test process is failing.

$ gradle build
:processTestResources UP-TO-DATE
com.mkyong.example.TestExample > test_example FAILED
    java.lang.Exception at
3 tests completed, 1 failed
:test FAILED
:check //ignore test failed, continue the build
BUILD SUCCESSFUL  // <-------------- see status

2. Exclude the Failed Test

Find out the failed unit test and exclude it:

test {
	exclude '**/ThisIsFailedTestExample.class'
	exclude '**/*FailedTestExample*'

Refer this Gradle exclude some tests example

3. Skipped the Test

Last one, skipped the entire test process.

$ gradle build -x test


  1. Gradle – How to skip unit test
  2. Gradle – How to exclude some tests
  3. Gradle Test documentation

上一篇: Java Mutable and Immutable Objects
下一篇: Gradle Display test results in Console
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