

职业:Java Python 架构 PM



  • Unit Test JPA with JUnit H2 In Memory Database

    Unit Test JPA with JUnit H2 In Memory Database

    This tutorial shows how to Unit Test JPA with JUnit and a H2 In Memory Database. Some people disagree and don’t call these unit tests, but integration tests. Imho there is some truth in both. The following is not a pure unit test and neither is it a pure integration test. ‘Cause it doesn’t use an identical copy of the production database. That a side, let’s look at the example.


  • Spring Boot Spring Data JPA with Hibernate and H2 Web Console

    Spring Boot  Spring Data JPA with Hibernate and H2 Web Console

    The H2 database provides a browser-based web console that Spring Boot can auto-configure for you. In order to let spring auto-configure the H2 Web Console, we have to make sure we are developing a web application, make sure the com.h2database:h2 dependency resides on the classpath and we are using the org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-devtools. You can also manually configure the h2 web console. In the following tutorial we demonstrate how to configure the H2 Web Console using Spring Boot, Spring Data with Hibernate.


  • Spring Boot + Spring Security + Hibernate Configuration Example

    Spring Boot + Spring Security + Hibernate Configuration Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to configure Spring Security Hibernate and Spring Boot. We secure a simple stateless web service using basic authentication. We configure Spring Security using Spring Java and/or XML Configuration. Finally, we write some JUnit Integration Tests with spring-test, h2 in-memory database and MockMvc.


  • Spring Security User Registration with Hibernate and Thymeleaf

    Spring Security User Registration with Hibernate and Thymeleaf

    In this example we show how to create a user registration form with Spring Security, Hibernate and Thymeleaf. We validate the user registration fields with hibernate validator annotations and a custom field matching validator to validate if the email and/or password fields match.


  • Spring Security Forgot Password Send Email Reset Password

    Spring Security Forgot Password Send Email Reset Password

    In this tutorial we demonstrate how to use Spring Security, Spring Boot, Hibernate and Thymeleaf to program a password reset flow by sending the user an email address to verify the reset password procedure. When a user has forgot his password, he is able to request a password reset. The application will generate a unique PasswordResetToken and store it in the database. The user’ll receive an email with the unique token. When he clicks the link, the user is redirected to a page where he can change his password.


  • Java GZIP Example compress and decompress a file using Java

    Java GZIP Example  compress and decompress a file using Java

    In this tutorial we demonstrate how to use GZIP to compress and decompress a file. Gzip is a file format and a software application used for file compression and decompression. GZIP is used to reduce the bytes of a file/text/stream. You’re able to compress a single file in GZIP format but you cannot compress and archive a directory like ZIP files using GZIP.


  • Java 7z Seven Zip Example compress and decompress a file

    Java 7z Seven Zip Example  compress and decompress a file

    In this tutorial we demonstrate how to compress files to 7z format recursively and decompress 7z files. 7-Zip also known as 7z is a compressed archive file format that supports several different data compression, encryption and pre-processing algorithms.


  • Java TAR example compress and decompress *.tar or *.tar.gz files

    Java TAR example  compress and decompress *.tar or *.tar.gz files

    This tutorial demonstrate how to compress files or directories recursively in .tar or .tar.gz format and how to decompress a .tar or .tar.gz file.


  • Compress and Decompress Java JAR File with Apache Compress

    Compress and Decompress Java JAR File with Apache Compress

    In this tutorial we demonstrate how to compress and decompress Java JAR files using Apache Compress. In general, JAR archives are ZIP files, so the JAR package supports all options provided by the ZIP package.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 HTTP GET Request Method Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 to make a Http GET request. The Http GET method represents a representation of the specified resource. This could be as simple as getting an HTML page, or Getting resources formatted in JSON, XML or etc. Requests using HTTP GET Request methods should be Idempotent, meaning: these should only retrieve data and should have no other effects.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 HTTP POST Request Method Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 to make a Http POST request. The HTTP POST request method requests that the server accepts the entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the web resource identified by the URI. The posted data can be, but is not limited to, an annotation for existing resources or data formatted JSON, XML or submitted FORM data. The server can use the posted data to update resources in the database, or process this data.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 HTTP PUT Request Method Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 to make a Http PUT request. The HTTP PUT Request Method requests that the server accepts and stores the entity enclosed in the supplied URI. If the URI refers to an already existing resource, it is modified; if the URI does not point to an existing resource, then the server can create the resource with that URI.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 HTTP DELETE Request Method Example

    This tutorial demonstrates how to use Apache HttpClient 4.5 to make a Http DELETE request. The HTTP DELETE Request Method requests deletes the resource specified by the URI.


  • Apache HttpClient 4.5 How to Get Server Certificates

    The following tutorial demonstrates how to obtain the certificates from the resource server using Apache HttpClient 4.5. Certificates are used to secure the connection between the client and server over HTTPS using SSL/TLS. When you need details about the certificate, for example: when does the certificate expire?, who issued the certificate? or etc. You need to read the server certificate. In the following example we explain in detail how you can do this.


  • How to Ignore Certificate Errors in Apache HttpClient 4.5

    Typically, a developer will use self-signed certificates on his local machine or in development stage of the project. HttpClient (and web browsers) will not accept untrusted connections, by default. However, we can configure the HttpClient to allow untrusted self-signed certificates.


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